How to maintain youthful and healthy skin in daily life full of stress and harmful agents from the environment? From time to time, every woman faces such a problem. She, noticing new wrinkles, fading skin and a shift in its contours, began to worry more about how this would affect male attention. And everyone has their own secrets to use at home. What are the main ways of facial rejuvenation at home? Elgreloo. com will tell you this today.
Causes of premature skin aging
Our skin tends to age as we age. Obviously, at the age of 40, the facial skin will no longer be as soft and elastic as it was at the age of 20. But there are times when the age of 30, the condition of the facial skin is no longer desirable. What causes premature skin aging?
- Bad habits: alcohol, smoking always entail unpleasant consequences and leave marks on our skin.
- Stress not only affects the state of the human nervous system, but also affects the general physical health of the body. As they say, all problems are from scratch.
- Influence of the sun. Surely everyone has heard that ultraviolet rays cause premature skin aging. So don't be surprised if, after a prolonged tan after the necessary remedies, your skin doesn't look its best.
- Inappropriate nutrition. Nutrition plays an important role in our health. Bread, snacks and fast food will definitely "thank you".
- Positive facial expressions. If you wrinkle your eyes too often (poor vision), wrinkle your forehead, or smile often, this can cause wrinkles as a child.
- Lose weight quickly. This is a type of stress on the body that the body can not always cope with.
- Diseases. Well, there are reasons that you can't contribute - these are all kinds of diseases that affect the condition of your skin.
The first step to solving the problem is to eliminate the possible causes of skin aging. By removing these harmful elements from your life at a young age, you can eliminate possible expensive rejuvenation procedures and future skin problems. Then it is worth considering additional ways of combating premature skin aging.
Skin rejuvenation methods
How can you rejuvenate your skin at home without expensive cosmetic procedures and salons? Is this even possible? Available of course! It is important to regularly take care of your skin and not let bad habits, poor quality products into your life.
First of all, it is recommended to use different types of masks at home. These include: anti-aging, restorative, antioxidant. This also includes many anti-aging teas. Bathing with bran has a good effect on the skin of the face. These treatments will make the skin softer, more elastic and smooth.
In the fight against premature aging of the skin, both home masks and professional products will help you. It is best to seek help from an esthetician who can find the right care for you. And you will find homemade face mask recipes for facial rejuvenation in our blog.
Exfoliate dead skin cells
Another effective way to combat it is to exfoliate the skin. It must be done once a week before applying your favorite masks. Thanks to exfoliation, the skin is cleaned of keratinized parts and cells. Thus, you apply clean masks and their effectiveness will be many times better.
Quite often, ice and cold compresses are used at home. Applying ice gives a powerful rejuvenating effect if you use frozen decoction. Compression should be done every other day, apply the brewed herbs, hot for 2 minutes. Then, the hot compress is replaced by the cool one. This procedure is repeated several times, and for compression, a cordage, chamomile, sage, linden flowers are used.
Facial massage and gymnastics
Facial massage is also a rejuvenating treatment. It is important to do this without fanaticism and excessive intensity. The massage makes the skin smooth, improves metabolism at the cellular level. The procedure of using a rejuvenating cream or oil is carried out by moving the hands in the direction of the massage: gently bring the fingers from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the chin to the earlobes. Massage the skin around the eyes along the outer corner of the eye to the wing of the nose, through the lower eyelid and then back to the temple, stroke the upper eyelid. Facial exercise tones the muscles, facilitates blood circulation through the blood vessels, smoothes wrinkles. Such gymnastics exercises you can invent yourself.
Systematic skin care and protection will give the skin a youthful, smooth and healthy appearance.