Scientists have proven that when we look at a person, an animal or even their image, we first inadvertently look into their eyes. When we look at a person, we quickly glance over his or her lips, nose, or hair, but always turn around and fix our eyes on that person. The eyes represent the entire range of human emotions. Everything is important - the lumen of the pupil, the shape of the eye, the location of the eyelids and eyebrows, the presence of wrinkles - the "ray" around the eyes, the absence of red streaks on the "heart"white" of the eye, the brightness of the color of the "iris". Also, the area around the eyes is a kind of marker of a person's age.

From an expert's point of view, problems in this area can be divided into:
- reduce skin elasticity
- Wrinkles around eyes
- Puffiness and dark circles under eyes
- "nose-cheek groove", this is one of the most "unfriendly" manifestations - a groove running from the inner corner of the oblique eye along the cheek, resulting from age-related displacement and sagging of the skin,
- hernia of the upper and lower eyelids
Who is to blame and what to do?
Almost all problems with the eye area begin with a decrease in the elasticity of the skin. The skin begins to "slip", the boundary between the orbit and the cheek deviates downwards, the eyes begin to age because the soft tissues no longer cover the lower edge of the orbit, only covered by the elongated eyelids. .
Importance! It is necessary to "catch" the process in the first place to prevent the skin from moving so much that it can only be stretched with surgery. It is imperative to carry out preventive procedures that strengthen the facial muscles and increase the elasticity of the skin around the eyes. As a rule, experienced estheticians do not build a "straight" course, but use a combination of techniques, and the choice of technique is often based on the current condition of the patient's skin. If you are over 25 years old, be sure to visit a beautician, a personalized anti-aging program will be developed for you, taking into account the genetic features of the face. Some people have a threatening hernia, some have dark brown circles around their eyes, some are called "premolar pockets". An experienced esthetician will immediately see your "weaknesses" and advise what to look for. The common misconception "more beauty is better" is fundamentally wrong and because of it many people miss the opportunity to prevent aging for the face and eyes.
Problems and solutions
Some of these defects (eg, hernias of the upper and lower eyelids) can only be resolved by a surgeon. But most of the remaining problems can be well taken care of by an esthetician.
Wrinkles around the eyes are eliminated with Botox or Dysport injections. In people prone to edema, their use must be carried out before cosmetic hardware (microcurrent), as well as intermediate therapy aimed at improving blood and lymphatic circulation.
Comprehensive programs using hardware aesthetics, chemical peels, intermediate therapies and bio-regeneration to increase skin elasticity, remove unwanted pigmentation, swelling and wrinklesSuper small. Mesotherapy differs from biorevitalization in the preparations used: in biorevitalization it is hyaluronic acid with a larger molecule, allowing it to remain on the skin longer and have a rejuvenating effect. more pronounced. An excellent effect for eye rejuvenation is provided by an alternating program of regenerating and peeling treatments. It is better to use preparations specifically designed for the area around the eyes, this increases the effectiveness of the procedures and makes them as physiological as possible.
A full course consists of alternating four peels and four biorevitalization procedures (hyaluronic acid preparation) with an interval of one week between them.
The composition of the peel includes a combination of acids that have a pronounced rejuvenating and beautifying effect on the skin. They are used in small concentrations, reducing the risk of irritation, but by synergizing the effects of the two acids, the desired effect is achieved. In the manufacture of peels, the technology of a "gradual release" active ingredient is used. After the procedure, the peeling is usually small and insignificant. It starts around the 2nd day and ends after 4-5 days after the first procedure, after repeat procedures it is faster.
Biorecovery is prescribed for a period of one week after peeling. The ideal choice for this is to use a hyaluronic acid preparation, designed to treat sensitive areas with minimal risk of swelling. The drug is administered in the form of large "drops", which significantly reduce skin trauma.
Oxygen-ozone therapy will help smokers and those who practically never spend time outdoors. It rejuvenates the face and improves skin elasticity, eyes become shiny and clear.
Patients with "pockets" under the eyes are shown microcurrent therapy, which allows you to strengthen the skin and remove congestion. Results are visible after 2-3 treatments, but for lasting results, you should visit 10-15 sessions 2-3 times a week.
Gels based on hyaluronic acid will help to fill in the deep nasolabial folds, visually "hide" the hernia mass. This procedure is one of the most effective, as it is quick, almost painless, and filling the nasolabial folds is literally "rejuvenating" the face a few years before our eyes.
Where to start?
A proper eye rejuvenation program should begin with skin quality restoration (mesotherapy and peels), and end with the use of Botox and hyaluronic gel. In cases where the eye area is not edematous, it is possible to "debut" with the use of Botox. When preparing for plastic surgery, it is also advisable to prepare for treatment with cosmetic techniques. This will significantly improve the course of the postoperative period and significantly reduce the likelihood of complications. It is also important to choose the right household products and their intended use.
In conclusion, we note that we should not forget about the most effective methods of rejuvenating the area around the eyes: good sleep, fresh air and the absence of bad habits.